ARCS members are experts in different areas of expertise, wich offer services and organize programms and projects for its beneficiaries.

ARCS BENEFICIARIES are: YOUNGSTERS organized in NGOs, hired in institutions or involved in initiative gropus at the community level; experts wich are working with/for youth and their needs.

ARCS is actioning at local, regional, national and international level.


Young people who plan their own development, have initiative and, together with other members of the community, participate in the life and development of their communities.

The profesionist working with and for young people have a proactive attitude in relation to them, communicate with them and know the needs of young people; they generate a positive organizational culture development at work, promote non-formal education and lifelong learning and they are also interested in developing their professional careers.

ARCS is an organization  of qualified experts which promotes quality in career counseling and training services; ARCS is an opinion-forming and resource center for non-profit which promotes the partnership in providing quality services for young people.


Supporting youth and youth groups in their personal development process and for active involvement in their own community.

ARCS is member of:

  • RuralNet – The Network of Active Organizations in community development in Romania;
  • GEN – Network GEN-Gender, Equality, Nondiscrimination
  • S-ONG – The Network of Resources Centers from Romania
  • ECON – European Community Organizing Network
  • Română (Ro)
  • English (En)