Description: The Microsoft Program Unlimited Potential is destined to local communities, especially to rural areas or small towns, where the access to technology is dificult, and devloping the abilities for operating a computer is considered a dificult process.
ARCS e-center was started in 2008 and it is situated in The Youth Center Drobeta, Mihai Gusita str., no. 6, 1st floor.
Project’s goal: to extend the IT training and development services in areas where these services are poorly reprezented or unexistent.
Project objectives: offering training courses on new technologies, from base abilities to using advanced aplications in IT, in order to teach interested people about technology and to form IT skills.
Activities :Intruduction in using the PC; Media and digital technologies – basic training; Basic knowledge about internet and World Wide Web; Basic training about web design; Using text editors; Power Point – basic knowledge; Data bases – Basic training; Using Excell Worksheets.
Results: training 181 youngsters and adults on PC operating annually; 20-30 every month.
Partners: EOS Foundation Timisoara, Pro Development Crossboredr Association – Sannicolau Mare (ATPD)
Donors: Microsoft Program Unlimited Potential (