ARCS has been a member in the Committee of Co-ordination to Rural Net in 2007 where has unfurl the following activities:
- the participation to the annual meeting of Rural Net- The President of ARCS,executive director ARCS
- the implication in the first national conference having as subject the communitarian development The President of ARCS
- the participation at 2 meetings of consulting with the representants of MADR
- the participation to the coureses which were organized during the project PHARE RuralNet (CREST Satu Mare)
- the participation to a change o experience organized in Republica Moldova (CREST Satu Mare)
- the work for the Strategy Rural Net for the period of time of 2008-2010
- The President of ARCS has been involved ( as consultant o CAR) in the co-ordiation of the 2 projects financed for RuralNet during 2008-2010
- the payment of the due of Rural Net -300RON
- the moderation on the groups of disscutions: , ,